Why would anyone take the alcohol out of beer? Good question! We sat down with pencils to paper and identified 14 types who (will) love non-alcoholic craft beer and think it’s a good idea:
1) The Never Drinkers — There are quite a few people who have NEVER had a drink of alcohol before. Seriously. Some understandably based on religious beliefs, some based on a life of athletic training and some just never wanted to feel out of control. Fortunately, we’re brewing up what you’re laying down!
2) The Non-Drinkers — Whether you, like us, are in long-term recovery or have just stopped through many of the other various roads and journey’s, non-alcoholic craft beer lets you fully participate in the times ahead.
3) The Moderators — All good things in moderation. We’ve heard this somewhere before.
4) The Round Offers — You’ve had two rounds of a new delicious 7% IPA and are taking the third round off with an icy cold non-alcoholic craft beer. Solid choice friend.
5) The Best-Selfers — Check this out: Our friend Joy Manning quit drinking because it was preventing her from being her Best Self. She started a happy hour with no alcohol and thought no one would come. Instead, she has hundreds attend every month! Also, check out this guy. We admire his insight that alcohol was holding him back. And he’s with Jennifer Aniston at his bottom! Plus, he’s Australian where they drink like fish. After quitting drinking, he’s kind of a guru.
6) The Spicy Lunchers — Tacos or Thai, Italian or BBQ, there is just something about having an ice cold non-alcoholic craft beer that goes with all things spicy. Pass the Sriracha, please!

Yay! It’s Taco Tuesday!
7) The Drivers — Now you can party like the yahoos you’re driving home! Match them round for round. In fact, drink those chuckleheads under the table!
8) The Preggers — Our favorites: Mamas2be.
9) The Ultra-Trainers — We have several friends who train for 100-mile runs. Why? Why do they do this? We don’t know. They do drink non-alcoholic craft beer cause it goes with their savage training routine.
10) The Night Offers — Check this out: getting wasted two nights in a row is bad. This makes sense. So if you get called upon for a round two, have a few of our delicious NA’s instead and wake up happier.
11) The Pot Smokers — Why waste that perfectly curated high by killing it with the depressant that alcohol can be? And, nothing refreshes that cotton-mouth like an ice cold NA craft beer. Bongs Away!
12) The Medically Constrained — We know several people with Crohn’s or patients taking certain medications — none of which go well with alcohol.
13) The Participants — From a Moonlight Rambles, Naked Bike Ride, Fun Runs, Ultimate Frisbee Tourney, Frisbee Golf — really any athletic type thing where actual balance or semi-competitiveness will make the experience more rewarding. NA while you play. NA goes all the way!
14) People at these Special Occasions:
a) First Dates — NA goes all the way! Just kidding. Unless you want too!? In all seriousness, it’s generally a good practice to remain reasonably sober on a first date.
b) Office Parties — New to the company? Getting blasted at first party = frowny face emoji from the boss.
c) Trivia Nights — We are already embarrassed enough by the things we don’t know that are basically rubbed in our faces as we sit and stuff our faces with cheese dip. Need All Brain Cells.
15) Retail Buyers Encouraging Less Drinking:
a) Military
b) College
c) Stadium/Venue
Are you a person in a position of buying beverages for one of the above? NA craft beer is by far a healthier option for your consumers. What else are you going to sell after the 7th inning?